Category Archives: Business Development

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The Coaching Cure: Repairing Organizational Culture

Nothing will get in the way of your organization’s progress and growth faster than a toxic or dysfunctional company culture.

What are you grateful for... and how can it affect the way your run your business?

The Powerful Practice of Gratitude

I came across this wonderful quote from Oprah Winfrey on Gratitude:

“Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful, no matter what happened in my life.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Changing Your Business By Walking In Your Customers’ Shoes

What’s the best way to keep an eye on what your customers need and want? I’ve been reading a lot about empathy in Wired to Care: How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy, by Dev Pataik and Peter Mortensen. The authors make a case for better customer contact in business strategy planning.