Author Archives: Tim Link

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How can you use psychology to get from where you are to where you want to be?

Mastering Leadership Psychology: 3 Essential Skills for Leaders

Mastering leadership psychology is crucial for your professional development. What got you here won’t get you there. Whether you’re starting out, changing jobs mid-career or completing your last decade of work, leadership success depends on how well you manage yourself and interact with others.

How will you improve your brain fitness?

Brain Fitness: A Competitive Advantage for Leaders

As a leader, there are many ways you can flex your brain. I’ve mentioned a few in my previous posts here and here. To develop cognitive fitness, you don’t even have to invest in a gym or special equipment—just the right mindset.

How can you improve your brain fitness?

5 More Ways to Develop Brain Fitness

I’m intrigued about the brain and what neuroscientists are discovering. It’s especially important that leaders look at ways they can develop their brain fitness on-the-job, to keep ahead of the curve.